Monday, September 20, 2010


I spent the whole day writing four pages of an essay. I am not satisfied with the result. I am content, however, which will have to suffice. I feel the need to reread this David Lipsky piece we are critiquing in my magazine class. My goal in life right now is to devote all of my effort to that class, and making my professor not hate me. Whether that should be my goal is debatable. However, I'm not in an argumentative mood--my mind is rather numb, to be honest.

Today was productive in the sense that I finished what I needed to. But there is still a part of me that isn't satisfied. I don't think that piece of me will ever be happy with anything I do. A piece is never finished, it's just on a deadline. Another maxim from my professor. Words to live by, I guess.

I have had five Peace Iced Teas today, and I've decided those will be the last I drink. From now on, it is water and coffee. (I would give up coffee, but I don't want to go through the withdrawal.) I also love coffee shops too much, and anyone who orders water at a coffee shop needs to be slapped. Or burned with hot coffee. Or something of that nature.

I realize this post is rambling, but it's mirroring my thoughts at the moment. I think this is a good thing, being able to spill my brain directly into writing. The less I think and censor what I write, the more honest I'm being. The backspace key doesn't exist to me right now. (It actually does, but only when I see a typo or grammatical error.)

I talked to my dad tonight. Or rather, we texted. It still is weird to me that he can do this. I wonder what other tricks he can learn. Dance Dance Revolution, I'm calling it now.

With that horrific thought, I shall leave you now. I have an article that needs reading, and sleep to be sleeping.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Two days since I've blogged. Two days. In my mind, I can see my journalism professor checking me off his list of students. On his website, there is a quote. "Go big or go home, because failure is an option." I need to start going big, because I sure as hell am not going home.

Even though I haven't written here, I've still been busy with the writing process. For example, I am in the planning phases of a very important paper that is due on Tuesday. I am trying to decide between writing about Druid rituals in modern times and the practices of Tibetan yak herders. Needless to say, it is not going well.

I have gulped down and peed out 48 ounces of tea, and my neurons still are not firing at full capacity. I think I'll end up going with the yak idea, because I know that no one else in my class will write about it. Which means mine will be unique and daring. And will bag me an A. (If this world has any justice, that is.)

On top of this, I have another Spanish quiz to study for. I need a repeat performance of last week, preferably without the six hours of studying. It seems like my happiness revolves around my academic performance. Which is a boon to my GPA, but not to my stress levels and sanity.

Anyway, enough for now. I will hopefully write the post I've been meaning to write here over the next couple days, the one that's hopefully going to make you sad. It's coming, I promise.

Excuse me, I have yaks to attend to.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Seventeen Hour Nap

So I kind of screwed this whole "writing every day" thing up. I decided instead to sleep for 17 hours from last night to mid-morning today. My sleep schedule is in shambles again, but I'm used to adjusting and readjusting. Tomorrow is my homework day, and also my actual work day. I'm going to try to write tomorrow between my other engagements, but I can't commit. Which I've said I'd work on.

Writing is still my highest priority, but in order to continue writing, I should probably stay in school. Which means doing homework and working at a job. But like I said, I'll try to sneak it in. I still need to write something that makes you cry.

Thanks for sticking with me, those of you who have. Hopefully there will be some pay off eventually. It's time I try to reclaim my sleep cycle. Goodnight,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Humor Me

Today was another day made possible by caffeine. It seems that a lot of days have fallen into that category lately. But I'm not complaining--I'd rather have a strenuous day and a five shot pumpkin spice latte than a boring, uncaffeinated one.

I should be used to this by now; my Wednesdays are never restful. They are basically my recovery days from Tuesday classes and my preparation day for my Thursday ones rolled into a confusing blend. They usually involve homework and studying, which leads to increased coffee consumption, which leads to increased productivity, which leads to a decrease in sleepiness, which leads to more studying and homework, which eventually turns into Netflix and an early Thursday morning slapping me in the face. And repeat. (Though today I deviated a bit and brewed some chai. Excellent decision making on my part.)

I've realized I have been doing a lot of introspection lately. More than usual, which is saying something. It seems that, since school has started, I've been keeping more and more to myself. Which is weird, considering how many more people my age I've been thrown together with. Instead, I feel that I'm going for quality of friends over quantity. The friends that I made last year are becoming better friends, and the acquaintances I made are dropping off my radar. So, friends, you guys and girls are a special group. I hope you feel warm and fuzzy, because I do.

Anyway, I have high hopes for tomorrow and higher hopes for Friday. And Saturday is my first day at my new job, so that should be interesting. It is nearly impossible to ruin a four day weekend (I also find myself knocking on wood a lot lately), at least in my experience.

Another thing I've noticed is that my blog has become increasingly more like an open journal, which is something I'd like to change. I think that people who only talk about themselves are sad, boring individuals. I want to write more opinion entries. Ones that make people send me concerned messages on Facebook. Or chuckle.

I want to write more things that illicit a response, whether that response is a smile or a twinge of discomfort, because good writing makes you feel things. My journalism professor (the one who scared me into starting this blog with his "Bradpocalypse" speech) is always telling us that the subjects we cover should make people angry, or sad, or happy or all of the above.

So my goal for tomorrow is to find something that makes me sad, then write about it and make you all sad, too. I know, great goal. In fact, I already think I know what I'm going to write about. I wish I had thought of it earlier, because then I wouldn't have written this entry and would have actually had something to say. So I guess you're out of luck, and you'll just have to come back tomorrow.

I'll not waste any more of your time here. Come back tomorrow, and remember the tissues. I hope you'll need them. (Then again, I know some of you are heartless jerks, so please feel free to bring an onion or two for back up. Humor me.)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Today was a day of pleasant surprises. Which was pleasantly surprising.

I found out my first Spanish quiz was graded incorrectly--that 56 percent is now a 93. I went to Walmart (I would normally rather spend an hour in the depths of Hades, but I needed soy milk) and stumbled upon mangoes for $1.50. There are definitely smoothies in my future. Oh, and I got a job offer via e-mail. I promptly accepted, because I am poor and in dire need of the income.

I feel like the upward trend that started yesterday has steadily maintained, maybe even increased, and I couldn't be more excited. Well, I could, but I'm definitely content with the current situation. (Now knocking on wood.)

However, I'm a little less enthused about miserably failing my typography quiz today, and then deciding to eat nearly an entire family sized box of Kashi cereal. My mouth feels like sandpaper, no matter how much water I drink. Delicious, whole grain sandpaper. You can't win everything, I suppose.

Sometimes failure is healthy, though. It seems like failure is one of my best sources of motivation. When I thought I failed my first Spanish quiz this semester, my response was to study six hours for the next one. When I have a crappy workout, I double my effort the next day. (I'm trying to think of other examples, but I don't fail that often. Don't hate me because I'm sexy and beautiful.)

But seriously, it's just Darwinism: you adapt, or you die. Or fail Spanish quizzes and get fat. (I'll take death, thank you.)

My new obsession is the New York Times crossword puzzle app for iPad. I feel that solving it will be an adequate end to my evening. Either that, or punching my next door neighbors in the throat. Both sound equally satisfying. They never, ever stop yelling. Thank you, Halo Reach.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Unborn Twin

Today I came to several realizations. One, Phoenix is nearly the best band ever. Their genius is matched by few and exceeded by none.

Two, if hard work pays off, then overkill pays double. I spent about four minutes taking the Spanish quiz I studied five hours for, and know (nearly for a fact) that I got every question right. I can't think of any better feeling than knowing everything--I wish I felt that way more often.

Three, I am chemically addicted to caffeine. Actually, I already knew that. But today reaffirmed it. I drank about three standard cups of coffee this morning, and today I was unstoppable. Coincidence? No. It wasn't. (Don't you dare doubt my drug of choice.)

Today was extremely rewarding and enlightening, and I hope this trend continues until I close my eyes and go to sleep tonight. Actually, I wouldn't mind if it picks up tomorrow morning as well--I know I will need some extra productivity from the hours of eight to three fifteen.

I am going for a run in a few minutes. My workout performances have been dismal of late, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a change in this trend. If caffeine doesn't help me power through, Kanye West is waiting in the wings. Or, more specifically, in my iPod. Probably for the best he's not there in person. ("Now Joe, I'ma let you finish this last mile, but Michael Johnson runs one of the fastest miles of all time. Of all time!")

Wow, two blog posts in one day. I'm a machine. Like R2-D2. Except without a little person hiding inside me. Besides the unborn twin I absorbed as a fetus. But whatever.

Good to be Back

Before I get into this post, hopefully you will be pleased to know that I finally got a hardware keyboard for my iPad. Let the hipsteresque blogging commence.

Lately I've been really lazy with this blog, and I want to change that. I could make all kinds of excuses about school taking over my life, the endless hours of studying I've been putting in (four hours today for one Spanish quiz--impressed?) or my constant questing for employment. Instead, I'm taking responsibility for it. I want to be a writer, and that desire shouldn't take a back seat to my other activities, however numerous. If I'm going to make it in writing (which I am, dammit) then it needs to be my life, not just a part of it. So, from this point forward, I am making it my priority.

That being said, I have a Spanish quiz to study for. (The irony is not lost on me, let me assure you.) I will be posting another entry tonight, in part to make up for not writing yesterday. At this point, I don't know what I'm going to write about. So I am making it my duty to have some kind of crazy adventure outside of my comfort zone between now and whatever wee hour of the morning I decide to write my next post.

Some of you have mentioned to me how you enjoy reading this blog, and have gotten on my case when I got lazy with it. I can't thank you all enough. It feels great knowing that I'm not just talking to myself here, though that certainly is a part of the process. The fact that some of you care enough to let me know when I'm not writing to my full potential gives me a reason to try to.

I won't let you down.