Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Today was a day of pleasant surprises. Which was pleasantly surprising.

I found out my first Spanish quiz was graded incorrectly--that 56 percent is now a 93. I went to Walmart (I would normally rather spend an hour in the depths of Hades, but I needed soy milk) and stumbled upon mangoes for $1.50. There are definitely smoothies in my future. Oh, and I got a job offer via e-mail. I promptly accepted, because I am poor and in dire need of the income.

I feel like the upward trend that started yesterday has steadily maintained, maybe even increased, and I couldn't be more excited. Well, I could, but I'm definitely content with the current situation. (Now knocking on wood.)

However, I'm a little less enthused about miserably failing my typography quiz today, and then deciding to eat nearly an entire family sized box of Kashi cereal. My mouth feels like sandpaper, no matter how much water I drink. Delicious, whole grain sandpaper. You can't win everything, I suppose.

Sometimes failure is healthy, though. It seems like failure is one of my best sources of motivation. When I thought I failed my first Spanish quiz this semester, my response was to study six hours for the next one. When I have a crappy workout, I double my effort the next day. (I'm trying to think of other examples, but I don't fail that often. Don't hate me because I'm sexy and beautiful.)

But seriously, it's just Darwinism: you adapt, or you die. Or fail Spanish quizzes and get fat. (I'll take death, thank you.)

My new obsession is the New York Times crossword puzzle app for iPad. I feel that solving it will be an adequate end to my evening. Either that, or punching my next door neighbors in the throat. Both sound equally satisfying. They never, ever stop yelling. Thank you, Halo Reach.

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