Monday, September 13, 2010

Good to be Back

Before I get into this post, hopefully you will be pleased to know that I finally got a hardware keyboard for my iPad. Let the hipsteresque blogging commence.

Lately I've been really lazy with this blog, and I want to change that. I could make all kinds of excuses about school taking over my life, the endless hours of studying I've been putting in (four hours today for one Spanish quiz--impressed?) or my constant questing for employment. Instead, I'm taking responsibility for it. I want to be a writer, and that desire shouldn't take a back seat to my other activities, however numerous. If I'm going to make it in writing (which I am, dammit) then it needs to be my life, not just a part of it. So, from this point forward, I am making it my priority.

That being said, I have a Spanish quiz to study for. (The irony is not lost on me, let me assure you.) I will be posting another entry tonight, in part to make up for not writing yesterday. At this point, I don't know what I'm going to write about. So I am making it my duty to have some kind of crazy adventure outside of my comfort zone between now and whatever wee hour of the morning I decide to write my next post.

Some of you have mentioned to me how you enjoy reading this blog, and have gotten on my case when I got lazy with it. I can't thank you all enough. It feels great knowing that I'm not just talking to myself here, though that certainly is a part of the process. The fact that some of you care enough to let me know when I'm not writing to my full potential gives me a reason to try to.

I won't let you down.

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