Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Humor Me

Today was another day made possible by caffeine. It seems that a lot of days have fallen into that category lately. But I'm not complaining--I'd rather have a strenuous day and a five shot pumpkin spice latte than a boring, uncaffeinated one.

I should be used to this by now; my Wednesdays are never restful. They are basically my recovery days from Tuesday classes and my preparation day for my Thursday ones rolled into a confusing blend. They usually involve homework and studying, which leads to increased coffee consumption, which leads to increased productivity, which leads to a decrease in sleepiness, which leads to more studying and homework, which eventually turns into Netflix and an early Thursday morning slapping me in the face. And repeat. (Though today I deviated a bit and brewed some chai. Excellent decision making on my part.)

I've realized I have been doing a lot of introspection lately. More than usual, which is saying something. It seems that, since school has started, I've been keeping more and more to myself. Which is weird, considering how many more people my age I've been thrown together with. Instead, I feel that I'm going for quality of friends over quantity. The friends that I made last year are becoming better friends, and the acquaintances I made are dropping off my radar. So, friends, you guys and girls are a special group. I hope you feel warm and fuzzy, because I do.

Anyway, I have high hopes for tomorrow and higher hopes for Friday. And Saturday is my first day at my new job, so that should be interesting. It is nearly impossible to ruin a four day weekend (I also find myself knocking on wood a lot lately), at least in my experience.

Another thing I've noticed is that my blog has become increasingly more like an open journal, which is something I'd like to change. I think that people who only talk about themselves are sad, boring individuals. I want to write more opinion entries. Ones that make people send me concerned messages on Facebook. Or chuckle.

I want to write more things that illicit a response, whether that response is a smile or a twinge of discomfort, because good writing makes you feel things. My journalism professor (the one who scared me into starting this blog with his "Bradpocalypse" speech) is always telling us that the subjects we cover should make people angry, or sad, or happy or all of the above.

So my goal for tomorrow is to find something that makes me sad, then write about it and make you all sad, too. I know, great goal. In fact, I already think I know what I'm going to write about. I wish I had thought of it earlier, because then I wouldn't have written this entry and would have actually had something to say. So I guess you're out of luck, and you'll just have to come back tomorrow.

I'll not waste any more of your time here. Come back tomorrow, and remember the tissues. I hope you'll need them. (Then again, I know some of you are heartless jerks, so please feel free to bring an onion or two for back up. Humor me.)

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