Monday, September 13, 2010

Unborn Twin

Today I came to several realizations. One, Phoenix is nearly the best band ever. Their genius is matched by few and exceeded by none.

Two, if hard work pays off, then overkill pays double. I spent about four minutes taking the Spanish quiz I studied five hours for, and know (nearly for a fact) that I got every question right. I can't think of any better feeling than knowing everything--I wish I felt that way more often.

Three, I am chemically addicted to caffeine. Actually, I already knew that. But today reaffirmed it. I drank about three standard cups of coffee this morning, and today I was unstoppable. Coincidence? No. It wasn't. (Don't you dare doubt my drug of choice.)

Today was extremely rewarding and enlightening, and I hope this trend continues until I close my eyes and go to sleep tonight. Actually, I wouldn't mind if it picks up tomorrow morning as well--I know I will need some extra productivity from the hours of eight to three fifteen.

I am going for a run in a few minutes. My workout performances have been dismal of late, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a change in this trend. If caffeine doesn't help me power through, Kanye West is waiting in the wings. Or, more specifically, in my iPod. Probably for the best he's not there in person. ("Now Joe, I'ma let you finish this last mile, but Michael Johnson runs one of the fastest miles of all time. Of all time!")

Wow, two blog posts in one day. I'm a machine. Like R2-D2. Except without a little person hiding inside me. Besides the unborn twin I absorbed as a fetus. But whatever.

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