Monday, September 20, 2010


I spent the whole day writing four pages of an essay. I am not satisfied with the result. I am content, however, which will have to suffice. I feel the need to reread this David Lipsky piece we are critiquing in my magazine class. My goal in life right now is to devote all of my effort to that class, and making my professor not hate me. Whether that should be my goal is debatable. However, I'm not in an argumentative mood--my mind is rather numb, to be honest.

Today was productive in the sense that I finished what I needed to. But there is still a part of me that isn't satisfied. I don't think that piece of me will ever be happy with anything I do. A piece is never finished, it's just on a deadline. Another maxim from my professor. Words to live by, I guess.

I have had five Peace Iced Teas today, and I've decided those will be the last I drink. From now on, it is water and coffee. (I would give up coffee, but I don't want to go through the withdrawal.) I also love coffee shops too much, and anyone who orders water at a coffee shop needs to be slapped. Or burned with hot coffee. Or something of that nature.

I realize this post is rambling, but it's mirroring my thoughts at the moment. I think this is a good thing, being able to spill my brain directly into writing. The less I think and censor what I write, the more honest I'm being. The backspace key doesn't exist to me right now. (It actually does, but only when I see a typo or grammatical error.)

I talked to my dad tonight. Or rather, we texted. It still is weird to me that he can do this. I wonder what other tricks he can learn. Dance Dance Revolution, I'm calling it now.

With that horrific thought, I shall leave you now. I have an article that needs reading, and sleep to be sleeping.

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