Monday, September 6, 2010

New Girlfriend

My faith in humanity is dwindling. But today actually helped slow the pace of its demise. Thank you, Craigslist. (And no, I didn't find and pay someone to be my friend for the day--that section on the site is censored now.)

No, I wasn't on Craigslist angling for hookers. I was on the hunt for something way more enticing. And I found it. And I traded my MacBook Pro for it. And it's awesome. And no, just to reiterate, it wasn't sex.

I've been trying to get rid of my MacBook Pro for awhile now. Actually, for about a week and a half. Which feels like an eternity when it comes to technology.

Anyway, "get rid of" may not be entirely accurate, either. Actually, it's very inaccurate. It's way easier to get rid of something if you don't want anything in return. And I wanted something.

That something is an iPad. And it's sitting in front of me right now. However, I'm not typing on it--this would probably take an eternity on its touchscreen keyboard. (I'll be investing in a physical keyboard in the near future.)

Anyway, the guy that I met and swapped gadgets with far exceeded my Craigslist expectations. Which, in retrospect, wasn't very difficult to do. I've heard the nasty murder/rape stories involving that site, and, quite frankly, I was excited when I didn't end up bound, gagged and in a trunk. So imagine how I felt walking away with my body unviolated and an iPad in tow.

The guy (his name is Jeff--we're besties now) was really awesome to deal with. He was very honest with me about everything, and basically gave me the in and outs of his iPad. And there are many more "ins" than "outs." In fact, I haven't found one "out" yet. Except for not having flash...

Anyway, this transaction felt like something primitive, yet wonderfully organic. It felt like bartering in the middle ages. Like I was a sheepherder and he was a basket weaver. And I traded him a sheep for a basket. (Just an example. Sheepherding is evil. Duh.)

Yeah, I'm crazy. Crazy in love with this iPad. Not only do I feel like a sheepherder, I also feel like Hugh Hefner, upgrading girlfriends. This one is younger, thinner and more beautiful than my old one.

And I know how to touch her to make her do what I want. Thus is the miracle of multitouch.

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