Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I was too late in getting to the lab today to write this post. I'm writing it on my iPad. We'll see how this goes.

Actually, I've been failing a lot lately. I forgot how much I hate the feeling. Unfortunately, failing is how we learn. But I acknowledge that it is a necessary aspect of life; if nobody failed at anything, nobody would be good at anything either. It kind of reminds me of those finches Charles Darwin studied in the Galapagos Islands. They all had evolved differently shaped beaks to specialize in eating different types of foods. They all have their own strengths. When I fail at something, I just have to remember that I'm just a finch, with my own strengths and talents. Tweet tweet. (Damn you, Darwin.)

A talent is something you excel at where others fail miserably. But, when you are on the failing end and you get slapped in the face, it's really hard to see it that way. I personally feel that the very worst kind of failure is the unexpected, irrational kind. Like failing a Spanish quiz you thought you prepared well for. There is no way to soften that kind of shock other than to change your strategy and hit it head on next time.

Writing this has made me realize how much I need a physical keyboard. Sorry for the short post, those of you who read this. Please understand--I'm just a finch with flaws.

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