Sunday, September 5, 2010

It's In The Past

People lie. Including me. So when I said yesterday that I would get back to my discussion about religion and its current lack of stranglehold on me tonight, I was lying. Unintentionally, but still, I lied. I'm a liar. Happy?

Now that we have that unpleasantness behind us, I'll move on to tonight's topic of discussion: how stupid misunderstandings can escalate into big unpleasant conflicts. Don't worry: all the names of people have been changed to protect their identities. And this story has a happy ending. Spoiler alert, sorry. Nobody got Snooki'd or anything.

Anyway, I shall keep it brief. A necessity, because the girl at the front desk is kicking me out of the lab because it's midnight. (Not having a charged laptop is making me crazy.)

Like all good modern dramas, this one took root on Facebook. And, even more juicy, the instigator doesn't even know she started it. (It feels good to be back in middle school.) Basically, what happened was this: She posted something which I didn't particularly care for. (Hint: It involved an ethical issue.) I responded to it, and we had a nice discussion about it. Case closed, right?

I wouldn't be writing about it if it wasn't, silly. Another friend then texted me, and asked me if I was "feeling angsty" because she saw what I wrote. That didn't make me happy, because this friend knows how important this issue is to me. I respond with some equally tactless text, and it escalated from there.

Long story short (I'm honestly surprised I haven't been evicted yet), all is good now. We both realized we let things get out of hand. The overdramatic angel of death has passed us by.

It just really put things in perspective for me about how dumb disagreements can escalate. Especially through non-verbal communication. Honestly, some stuff just looks horrible typed out, and you would never normally say it. Or would say it differently. But whatever.

We're over it. (How very collegiate.)

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