Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Where I Want to Be

I was extremely productive today. I know, I was surprised too. I think it's my survival instincts kicking back in.

I now feel like school is back in full swing. Which is weird (and a little discomforting), considering it's almost the end of week three. I don't know why I chose today to realize that the semester is underway (complete with homework and grades), but I'm glad I did. Maybe it was the succession of obscenely late nights with the accompanying early mornings. Or my disastrous Spanish quiz. (Fifty-six percent? Es verdad?)

Actually, more than likely, I think it has been the routine that I've fallen into with the people I'm closest to. I've finally grasped how much I missed out on last year living at home (before, I could only use my imagination), and I'm trying to make up for it this year. So far, I think I'm succeeding.

Side note: Chase, my amazing new bank, decided to send my debit card to my house rather than my dorm (after they assured me that wouldn't happen). So I am still without a physical keyboard, making blogging a bit difficult. I promise to write a nice juicy one as soon as I have the means.

My iPad is still magical and revolutionary though. So there.

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