Saturday, August 28, 2010

Miss Kitty

My grandma used to have a cat named "Miss Kitty." Miss Kitty was very nice, and would often play with the other neighborhood cats. Sometimes, Miss Kitty would chase them up trees or through bushes. Other times, Miss Kitty would chase them and sexually assault them with his penis.

Like these neighborhood cats, I have learned the danger of making assumptions. Especially ones made on first impressions; they generally lead to disappointment. And, occasionally, getting raped.

I guess my problem is that I tend to trust everyone at face value. I've been burned before, luckily never too seriously. I've never been violated by a cat, let's put it that way. But it's something about myself that I'd like to change. (The "trusting everyone" part, not the "cat violating me" part.)

Then again, is that actually a desirable goal to have? Becoming less trusting? Whether it's admirable or not, right now it's practical. I don't have enough time to get close to anyone. Like Miss Kitty, I don't want to be tied down to one person. Unlike Miss Kitty, I'm not a gender-bending rapist.

But I'll keep you posted.


  1. I can totally understand that you have your doubts, if becoming less trusting is a desirable goal. You wrote that you've been burned, but that it's never been seriously. Still there is a part in you that wants to change and be more careful. This is just natural.

    People are different. Some are mistrusting right from the start, some get burned and learn their lesson and don't trust people that easily anymore and some make bad experiences and still trust everyone right away. I don't think you could call any of those cases 'right' or 'wrong'.

    The human psyche is all about changing the circumstances the best to survive. People need different things, so people act differently.

    I don't think you should pressure yourself into making a decision. Like I said...there is no 'right' or 'wrong' and maybe you shouldn't try to push yourself to not trust people as easily. Just give it time.

    Maybe you will keep on trusting people and make good experiences, maybe you will get disappointed badly. I am sure you will find the right way.

    I hope all of this makes sense.
